Campfire Community Blog

Campfire Community Blog


The lowdown on political parties

Neil Pharaoh,
26 June 2023

With winter recess almost upon us, and Federal Parliamentarians preparing for their electorate return after the budget, another key highlight of the political season begins: Labor’s National Conference and Liberal’s Federal Council.


Building Capability: Bringing a Vision to Life

Megan Buntine,
23 June 2023

Most not-for-profits have some sort of a Vision – even if they don’t necessarily articulate it that way – otherwise it’s unlikely that they would continue to exist for very long.


Happenings on the Hill – Budget Edition

Neil Pharaoh,
23 June 2023

Tanck’s Neil Pharaoh dives into your options, challenges, and opportunities from the recent Australian Federal Budget.


Good Governance: The Elephant in the Room

Megan Buntine,
22 May 2023

Let’s address the elephant in the room, shall we…is governance boring?

Well, I think that depends entirely on how you look at it. It can certainly seem boring if you let it, but it doesn’t have to be that way. Believe it or not, if you approach it the right way, good governance can actually be quite inspiring. And that’s how I like to think about it.


Building Capability: Corporate Social Responsibility – How can it benefit your NFP?

Megan Buntine,
04 May 2023

 The concept of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) seems to have gained momentum in recent years, and more and more business – large and small – are recognising the need to be a good corporate citizen, and focus on doing things ethically, responsibly, and in a way that adds value to the world, whilst also making their profits.


Building Capability: The importance of good Succession Planning

Megan Buntine,
11 April 2023

It seems like nearly every not-for-profit organisation I talk to these days is struggling to find people willing to put up their hands for positions on their Boards (or Committees of Management).


What next on government engagement?

Neil Pharaoh,
06 April 2023

As we say goodbye to Pro Bono News, we move into an interesting political landscape in Australia: with almost wall-to-wall Labor governments, it raises new and different challenges for our sector.


Should you include economic modelling in your pitch to government?

Neil Pharaoh,
06 April 2023

Economic modelling can come with a hefty price tag. Neil Pharaoh examines whether it's worthwhile. A hotly contested subject is whether organisations should invest the time, money and effort into doing a cost/benefit analysis, or to show the long-term savings to government when asking them to fund a program. Will this extra step help your organisation’s case or simply be a waste of time, money, and effort?


It's not about the money

Linda Garnett,
04 April 2023

Let’s play a game of pretend. What if cars ceased to exist? How would life be different? Governments would have to invest in public transport. People would walk more, get fitter and actually meet their neighbours. Concrete car parks would give way to green parks and room for more housing. Out of town monster shopping malls would be replaced by local markets and smaller urban villages. We may not be achieving utopia any time soon, but it’s great to dream.


3 ways to get more $$ from your corporate partners

Linda Garnett,
03 April 2023

Partnerships are more than just the money, right? Just like airlines are all about the schedules, seat size and in-flight entertainment, until one crashes into a hillside. Then it’s all about safety and maintenance.

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